ProVisionaire Control

Software de paneles de control personalizables para sistemas de PA Yamaha (para Windows)

Con solo arrastrar y soltar widgets tales como faders, conmutadores o interruptores en una pantalla, se puede crear un panel de control original idóneo y específico para las aplicaciones y funciones requeridas en un proyecto de instalación. No son necesarios conocimientos de programación ni tampoco experiencia.

ProVisionaire Control puede controlar una amplia diversidad de equipos, tales como procesadores de señal de las series MTX/MRX, mezcladores digitales de las series CL/QL/TF, racks de E/S de la serie Rio y amplificadores de la serie XMV. ProVisionaire Control ofrece una completa solución de control Yamaha.

Yamaha ProVisionaire Control/Touch: Remotely control and monitor entire systems from a single panel

All Parameters Accessible from a Single Panel

Yamaha ProVisionaire Control/Touch: All Parameters Accessible from a Single Panel

All microphone, mixer, processor, amplifier, speaker, etc. parameters can be managed on a single screen. Parameters can be freely assigned to create custom user interfaces.

A Fast, Easy Way to Create Stylish Interfaces

Yamaha ProVisionaire Control/Touch: A Fast, Easy Way to Create Stylish Interfaces

Parameters for each device can be assigned by dragging and dropping from ProVisionaire Design or MTX-MRX editor. Design templates can be used in the download page to refine colors and placement as needed, and adjustments can be easily transferred to other projects by export/import functions.

Control external devices including other companies’ devices

Yamaha ProVisionaire Control/Touch: Control external devices including other companies’ devices

With “External Events” function which is available in Yamaha processors MTX3, MTX5-D, MRX7-D and DME7 you can issue UDP or TCP commands from the processors. This function makes it possible to control external devices including other companies’ devices by Yamaha control devices such as ProVisionaire Control/Touch, Digital Control Panel, MCP1 and Wireless DCP. For example, you can turn on the projector, close the curtain, turn off the lights, by recalling presets.

ProVisionaire Control/Touch KIOSK

Yamaha ProVisionaire Control/Touch KIOSK

ProVisionaire Control KIOSK and ProVisionaire Touch KIOSK allows the Windows devices or iPad to be setup to function as a dedicated controller, preventing users from accessing the operating system or other applications so that unintended control or design changes cannot occur. The use of ProVisionaire Control KIOSK or Touch KIOSK will provide smooth and safe operation. Controller screen for "ProVisionaire Control KIOSK" Windows application and "ProVisionaire Touch KIOSK" iPad application can both be designed using "ProVisionaire Control" Windows software and sent directly via Wi-Fi. The controller design interoperability this provides is advantageous when you need to efficiently create large numbers of controllers

Design Templates

You can find good-looking various templates in the download page. By simply adjusting the number of mics and any kind of buttons, you can easily create a good-looking controller design for many types of application that will be welcomed by the customers. We also have various types of icons that will be useful for customization.

Controller Templates

  • Yamaha ProVisionaire Control/Touch: Design Templates: Design Basic

Design Basic

  • Yamaha ProVisionaire Control/Touch: Design Templates: Design Light

Design Light

  • Yamaha ProVisionaire Control/Touch: Design Templates: Design Dark

Design Dark


  • Yamaha ProVisionaire Control/Touch: Icons A

Icons A

  • Yamaha ProVisionaire Control/Touch: Icons B

Icons B

Local Monitoring Service (ProVisionaire Edge)

In a theater situation where multiple devices with monitoring capability such as digital mixers, I/O racks, and power amplifiers are distributed throughout the area, a single operator can monitor and manage the entire system from one computer. Not only can faults that aren’t visible from the device’s exterior be easily and quickly detected, but the log makes it easy to identify precisely where problems originate from. ProVisionaire Edge is an excellent tool for keeping track of device connection status as well as preventing, detecting, and solving problems. The addition of improved audio system monitoring capability will notable increase system convenience and reliability.


  • Yamaha ProVisionaire Control/Touch: Local Monitoring Service (ProVisionaire Edge): Dashboard

Device list

  • Yamaha ProVisionaire Control/Touch: Local Monitoring Service (ProVisionaire Edge): Device list

Device list/Profile

  • Yamaha ProVisionaire Control/Touch: Local Monitoring Service (ProVisionaire Edge): Device list/Profile

Application Example


- Volume controls are provided for wireless microphones and individual zones.

- All operations, from normal operation to event support, can be carried out from a single tablet by recalling presets.

- Special spaces can be created where birthday songs or requested music can be played only in private rooms.

- No need for dedicated control devices. Just add tablets when more control terminals are required.

  • Yamaha ProVisionaire Control/Touch: Application Example: Restaurant
  • Yamaha ProVisionaire Control/Touch: Application Example: Restaurant


- The instructor can control microphone and audio volume at his or her own pace.

- Interactive instruction using multiple video sources.

- One-touch recall of initial settings via presets.

- Talk sessions and similar events can be held without the need for an operator.

- No need for dedicated control equipment. Just add more tablets as needed.

  • Yamaha ProVisionaire Control/Touch: Application Example: Auditorium
  • Yamaha ProVisionaire Control/Touch: Application Example: Auditorium

Meeting Room

- One-touch recall of initial settings via presets

- Mute and Unmute the RM-CG ceiling microphone from a single tablet

  • Yamaha ProVisionaire Control/Touch: Application Example: Meeting Room
  • Yamaha ProVisionaire Control/Touch: Application Example: Meeting Room

Devices that Support Controlling and Local Monitoring

*There are models that are not available in some regions.

**Only ProVisionaire Touch Kiosk supports this device. To control the device from iPad, please design the controller screen using ProVisionaire Control and send it to ProVisionaire Touch Kiosk via Wi-Fi. ProVisionaire Touch is not capable to design the controller screen for this device.

Video tutoriales

Bienvenidos a los vídeos tutoriales de las series MTX/MRX. En ellos se muestran los puntos principales que son de gran ayuda para conseguir buenos resultados sin tener que pasar días leyendo un manual. (Disponibles subtítulos en inglés, y en algunos vídeos, también en otros idiomas).

04 Más funciones de ProVisionaire Touch

ProVisionaire Touch permite al usuario controlar varios productos Yamaha, incluidos reproductores de blue-ray y reproductores de CD/receptores de AV que tengan habilitado MusicCast, así como con los pianos de reproducción Disklavier Enspire. Profundicemos en las funciones de ProVisionaire Touch.

03 Cómo asignar parámetros y poner ProVisionaire Touch online

ProVisionaire Touch es una potente solución de control remoto de las series MTX/MRX que permite al usuario personalizar por completo la interfaz de usuario. Vamos a aprender cómo se pone online con el procesador MTX/MRX.

02 Cómo diseñar la interfaz de usuario

ProVisionaire Touch es una potente solución de control remoto de las series MTX/MRX que permite al usuario personalizar por completo la interfaz de usuario. Vamos a aprender a diseñar la interfaz de usuario.

01 Cómo configurar y crear un archivo RCSL con MTX-MRX Editor

ProVisionaire Touch es una potente solución de control remoto de las series MTX/MRX que permite al usuario personalizar por completo la interfaz de usuario. En el vídeo podemos ver en detalle todas las funciones y aprender a configurar y crear un archivo RCSL con MTX-MRX Editor.

ProVisionaire Control

Software de paneles de control personalizables para sistemas de PA Yamaha PA.

Los colores y acabados pueden ser diferentes a estos en los productos actuales.