
Para hacer videos de música con más facilidad

Rec'n'Share te permite grabar audio y vídeo mientras tocas con las canciones de tu biblioteca musical y compartir tu interpretación con todo el mundo. El mundo digital te ayuda a mejorar la forma en que practicas, grabas e interpretas tu música.

*Para usar la aplicación, debes conectar tu dispositivo inteligente a un instrumento compatible de Yamaha utilizando un cable USB y un adaptador Lightning USB para iPhone/iPad o un cable OTG para Android.

*Los únicos datos de música que se pueden usar con la aplicación son los que no están protegidos por DRM(derechos de gestión digital). Es importante que lo entiendas desde el inicio.

EAD10 Record and Upload

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Produce high-quality performance videos easily.

Connect a compatible Yamaha Product to your smart phone/tablet (*1) to simultaneously record video from your phone’s camera, stereo digital audio from your Yamaha product and stereo backing tracks from your music library (2*). After recording, use the app’s editing functions to trim and balance the tracks.

(*1) To use the app, you will need to connect your smart device to a compatible Yamaha digital instrument using a USB cable and Lightning USB adapter for iPhone / iPad or OTG cable for Android.

(*2) It is also possible to record only your performances without backing tracks.

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Enrich your practice.

Pick a song from your music library and the app’s tempo detection lets you add a click, change the tempo and select sections to repeat.

The Audio Track Separation function, available in Version 3, allows you to adjust the volume of specific tracks (vocals, drums, bass, etc.) of your favorite songs. Enjoy practicing and recording more with your favorite songs in the background.

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Share with the world!

You can upload your finished performances to YouTube / Facebook / Dropbox / Instagram etc (*3). Whether you’re uploading YouTube covers or collaborating on recording original songs, Rec’n’Share lets you share your music with people all over the world!

(*3) The data uploaded to SNS is limited to your own original songs, sound sources, or those licensed from right holders.

Audio Track Separation

Take the place of the drummer of the original song!

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Music analysis function

Practice with your favorite music more efficiently.

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Edit function

Simple editing can be completed within this App.

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Manuals and Help function

For those who are worried about connection and operation.

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Usa la app Rec'n'Share para conectar tu instrumento a una tablet, y crea y comparte tus interpretaciones en video y con calidad de audio profesional.

*THR-II, THR30IIA, AG01, and AG03MK2 are only compatible with iOS

Los colores y acabados pueden ser diferentes a estos en los productos actuales.