YSS-475II Saxofones soprano
Un saxo que te llevará a lo más alto...
El YSS-475II ofrece cualidades profesionales a un precio intermedio. Buena parte de su diseño está basado en los saxos Custom EX, y comparte muchas de las mismas funciones. El 475II ofrece respuesta, tono y entonación excepcionales, y a la vez ejecución cómoda.
Información del Producto

Estos saxos se venden en estuches ultraligeros, garantizando así la máxima protección del instrumento. Incluye correas para los hombros para facilitar su transporte.
Ergonomic key layout
Ergonomic key layout
Key layout is designed to fit to humans' hands. This helps players concentrate on their performance without feeling stress.
Regular key posts
Regular key posts
This style of key posts reduces the resistance and makes the instrument easier to sound.
Tear drop front F key

Tear drop front F key
The unique tear-drop shaped F key improves playability.
Seesaw key

Seesaw key
The left-hand seesaw key has been designed to increase playability as well as provide a more comfortable feel.

Laser engraving adds precision styling and an improved look.
Case (SSC-475II)

Case (SSC-475II)
The YSS-475II soprano saxophone comes in a deluxe ultra-lightweight case which provide excellent protection. It includes backpack straps for ease of transport.
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