Solotrumpet stavanger Symphony orchestra
1.Trumpet HR Big Band
Frank Brodahl is Yamaha artist since 1992 and employed in The Norwegian Wind Ensemble.
Jazz Flautist, Prof. of Jazz Flute at Ferrara Conservatoire
As a student Giuliano Sommerhalder won international music contests. As a solo trumpeter on both modern and historical instruments, he has appeared all over the world. Giuliano Sommerhalder is Yamaha Artist.
Grammenos Chalkias has held the position of Principal Clarinet with the City of Athens Symphony Orchestra since 2000.
Guillame Couloumy started trumpet with Bruno Gorce at Limoges Music conservatory where he got a first prize and a gold medal.
Principal trombone Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, principal trombone the Chamber Orchestra of Europe. Assistant professor the Royal College of Music in Stockholm.
Founding member of the bass trumpet/accordion duo with Pierre Cussac, of the wind sextet Saxback and active member of the Symphonie de Poche by Nicolas Simon
Tutor of saxophone at the Superior School of Music, Performing Arts in Porto